professional work - Christopher Kidd & Associates, LLC
Core & Shell
Wasatch II MOB
Core & Shell
422 N. 15th St.
TI - Deborah MOB
Sleep Center Suite
TI - Deborah MOB
Clinical Suite
TI - Deborah MOB
Imaging Suite
TI - Deborah MOB
Urgent Care Suite
TI - Elmhurst MOB
Retina Suite
TI - Deborah MOB
Pain Services Suite
TI - Deborah MOB
ASC Suite
Core & Shell
Deborah MOB
Construction Drawings
These 10 projects have been approved by the original Architect/Engineer owner
(Christopher Kidd & Associates, LLC) for use as portfolio work experience.
These 10 projects best represent my work and capabilities. I exclusively claim work experience on the sheets provided with the exception of a hand-full of title sheets. The sheets that I claim work experience on are labeled “Drafted by: JTG” in the title block. Building renderings on all projects were done by others and are property of their respective owners.
NOTE: These drawings, as instruments of service, remain the property of the Architect or Engineer. Any changes, publication, or use of any kind is prohibited unless expressly authorized by said party.